
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Why do we need toys?

Cora never ceases to make me smile. I catch her doing the cutest things everyday, and I have been lucky enough to get some of them on film. Her latest activity is climbing in baskets, boxes or even the place she hates the most...her car seat. Apparently the car seat is a fun place to play as long as we aren't driving! Our little string bean is so tall; she can climb right into all her fun places without even tipping them towards her first...only problem is she thinks she can just climb right out of them the same way, which usually results in a crash and burn. The best part is the looks she gives me when I am taking her picture. I don't have many to share, but her expressions are priceless. Oh and I had to add one of the stairs, as we make several trips up them each day. She makes a beeline for them every chance she gets!

Favorite toy
I haven't quite figured out this eyebrow...I think it's "hey, how u doin?"

My favorite smirky face...Smirky McSmirk


Heather said...
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Heather said...

Could her Elvis eye-brow be any funnier?? What a ham!

Dunhams said...

That eyebrow pic cracks me up!!! What a little sass!